David Maljkovic: Also on View
Publishing Year: 2019
Publisher: The Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago
Editor(s): David Maljkovic
Essay by Karsten Lund
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 80
Dimensions: 19,1 x 27,7 cm
Language: English
ISBN 9780941548779
Throughout an ever-shifting body of work, David Maljković returns to “the question of form,” asking how considerations of form itself might illuminate the ebb and flow of ideologies, for example, or the overlaying of past, present, and future. While embracing a wide range of media—including photography, painting, video, sculpture, and various hybrids—the Croatian artist has developed distinctive methods of incorporating, and refiguring, his own earlier works in new installations.
Along with every exhibition, Maljković translates his work into the form of a book, which becomes another lively medium for the artist. For Also on View, he collaborated with designer Toni Uroda to channel the queries of his solo exhibition at the Renaissance Society, which brought together elements from different projects to create a new presentation tailored to the architectural space. The publication features a dynamic array of images, a rendition of the artist talk Maljković delivered on opening night, and an essay by curator Karsten Lund.
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