Isaac Soh Fujita Howell

Selected Works


Isaac Soh Fujita Howell (b.1993, Princeton, New Jersey, USA) lives and works in Brooklyn, New York. He received his BFA from Washington University in St. Louis and MFA from the Yale School of Art. Recent exhibitions include A rabid dog has no choice but to bite, Public Gallery, London, UK (2023); Synthetic Bodies, Lyles & King(2023), Durian On The Skin, François Ghebaly, Los Angeles, CA (2022); Summer Dayz, Klaus von Nichtssagend, New York, NY (2022); and 11 Operatic Emissions from the Ghost Terminal, Galerie Dengyun, Shanghai (2022). Howell has been the recipient of a number of awards and fellowships including the Harriet Hale Woolley fellowship, Fondation des États-Unis, Paris; and the Cité Internationale des Arts Residency, Paris. Isaac Soh Fujita Howell focuses more directly on ideas around labor and self-formulation. In reflecting on these themes, he often referred to Henri Lefebvre's analysis of modern capitalism explored in his renowned text, 'Critique of Everyday Life'. Capitalist attitudes towards hyper-productivity and self-optimization have reduced the human being to a mechanical appendage of a larger labor apparatus. Under duress, we compromise our humanity for the sake of having enough food to eat, clothes to wear, a roof to live under – staying alive. Through the ennui of the everyday, our wandering eyes watch seemingly exceptional individuals living lives more fully realized than our own. Beautiful people wear exquisite clothing in the company of interesting individuals against the backdrop of a constantly shifting landscape. We continue forth with perpetual expectations for something extraordinary, only to tug back and forth between being “ever-disappointed and ever-rekindled [in] hope” (Lefebvre, 1947). We fall into a cycle of unease, discontent with the most banal details of our quotidian experience. Individualism seemingly offers an exit ramp. In the Age of Information, we can broadcast our escapes from the everyday – we brandish our new clothing, pose alongside our attractive peers, livestream our vacations.But as even our broadcasting becomes monetized (either through real or social capital), we are rewarded by amassing even more possessions, entering even more exclusive circles, traveling to ever more distant locations. We too, become a commodity. Howell endeavors to unravel the threads of societal estrangement and poses a visceral challenge to the forces that threaten to sever the bonds of our shared humanity. In his lates series, he confronts the pervasive ideologies that strip away the richness of our collective experience, leaving behind a barren landscape of isolation.

Gallery Exhibitions


Selected solo exhibitions

By order from above (and we are all dutiful citizens), T293, Rome

A Rabid Dog Has No Choice But To Bite, Public Gallery, London

11 Operatic Emissions from the Ghost Terminal, Galerie Dengyun, Shanghai

I.Howell and S. Fujita Presents: Monkey Wrench & Banana Bread, Fondation des États-Unis, Paris

Selected group exhibitions

Synthetic Bodies, Lyles & King Gallery, New York

YY OS Gold Canopy, YveYANG Gallery, New York
Benefit for The Brigid Alliance, Drawer NYC, Online
Durian On The Skin, François Ghebaly, Los Angeles
Summer Dayz, Klaus von Nichtssagend, New York

Write Your Own Script, Backyard Ghost, Brooklyn
Enfolding Bloom, Galerie Dengyun, Shanghai
Where We Were When Were Not Who We Once Were, Holland Projects, Reno

What Art Can Do…For Social Impact, KissKissBankBank / Maison de Crowdfunding, Paris
Yale Painting, New Release Gallery, New York
CODA, Yale School of Art, Green Hall Gallery, New Haven

Esoteric Rodeo, Yale School of Art, Green Hall Gallery, New Haven
New Genealogies, Yale School of Art, Green Hall Gallery, New Haven
Yale MFA Benefit Auction, Field Projects Gallery, New York

The Gates Are Open, Yale School of Art, Green Hall Gallery, New Haven