Chase Palmer
Selected Works
Flammable Jacuzzi Doozy
2020oil and acrylic on canvas
127 × 152.5 cm (50 × 60 inches)
Never Full
2023oil on canvas
51 x 81 cm
Don’t Be So Cruel
2023oil on canvas
51 x 81 cm
2023oil on canvas
51 x 81 cm
2023oil on canvas
51 x 81 cm
Death and The Maiden
2023oil on canvas
51 x 81 cm
A Love Like Ours Is Rare
2023oil on canvas
51 x 81 cm
System Stopper
2023oil on canvas
51 x 81 cm
Thin Air
2023oil on canvas
51 x 81 cm
2023oil on canvas
51 x 81 cm
Savage Messiah
2023oil on canvas
51 x 81 cm
Organic Growing Years
2023oil on canvas
51 x 81 cm
2023oil and acrylic on canvas
55.88 × 71.12 cm (22 × 28 inches)
Little Divers
2023oil and acrilic on canvas
360 x 240 cm
Space Invaders
2023oil and acrylic on canvas
430 × 220 cm
Destination Compaction
2023oil and acrylic on canvas
420 × 240 cm
Standing, Reaching, Hovering
2022oil on canvas
182.88 × 137.16 cm (72 × 54 inches)
Dragging Sacks of Slacks
2022oil and acrylic on canvas
132 × 175 cm (52 × 68 ⅞ inches)
Conference Alliance
2022oil and acrylic on canvas
137.16 × 182.88 cm (54 × 72 inches)
Conjoined Railing Packaging Appointees
2022oil on canvas
132 × 175.3 cm (52 × 69 inches)
Civil Functionary Drivel
2022oil on canvas
137.2 × 183 cm (54 × 72 inches)
Get Us Out of Here on Time
2022oil on canvas
137.2 × 183 cm (54 × 72 inches)
Bashing Blushing Room
2022oli and acrylic on canvas
132.08 × 175.26 cm (52 × 69 inches)
Driving Merging Powers Through Traffic
2022oil on canvas
137.16 × 182.88 cm (54 × 72 inches)
Connections On A Swivel
2021oil on canvas
132 × 175.2 cm (52 × 69 inches)
Reasonable Ambitions Produce Monsters
2021oil on canvas
132 × 175.2 cm (52 × 69 inches)
Property Branch Division Center
2021oil on canvas
137.1 × 182.9 cm (54 × 72 inches)
Brown Water Splurge
2021oil on canvas
127 × 182.9 cm (50 × 72 inches)
Active Dance
2021oil on canvas
132 × 175.2 cm (52 × 69 inches)
All Over the Note Taking Racetrack
2021oil on canvas
121.9 × 162.5 cm (48 × 64 inches)
Tinkering Tantrum Report
2021oil on canvas
91.5 × 121.9 cm (36 × 48 inches)
Light Everyone on Fire
2021oil on canvas
132 × 175.2 cm (52 × 69 inches)
Gallery Exhibitions
Other Venues
Selected Press
2021 MFA
Painting and Drawing, University of South Florida
‘Dazzling Delirium’, T293, Rome
‘Places Rash Me’ , Le Scalze, Naples, Italy
‘Operating from an Insanely Crowded Room’, T293, Rome
‘ECHOES OF PARADISE’, Jane Lombard Gallery, New York, NY
‘Rose Tinted Glasses’, Ojiri Gallery, London, UK
‘Resonance’ , Y2K Group, New York, NY
‘Fragmented Bodies III Figure Renewal’, Albertz Benda, New York
‘Out to Pasture’, USF Contemporary Art Museum, Tampa, Florida
‘Food Fight’, Carolyn M. Wilson Gallery, Tampa, Florida
‘Tight as Leather’, Parallelogram Gallery, Tampa, Florida
‘America’s Majestic Street Cats’, Quaid Gallery, Tampa, Florida
‘Body Without Organs’, Carolyn M. Wilson Gallery, Tampa, Florida
‘Velvet Ropes L.A.’, 0-0, Los Angeles, California
‘Velvet Ropes N.Y.’ , Shrine Gallery, New York, New York
‘Velvet Ropes Oslo’, Gallerie Golsa, Oslo, Norway
‘Velvet Ropes Austin’, Martha’s Contemporary, Austin, Texas
‘Post-It Show’, Sugar Space Gallery, Indianapolis, Indiana
‘Blender’, Herron School of Art and Design, Indianapolis, Indiana
‘Have Your Cake and Eat it Too’, Tube Factory Art Space, Indianapolis, Indiana
‘Room 221’, The Oilwick Gallery, Indianapolis, Indiana
‘Drawn to Doodle’, The Harrison Center, Indianapolis, Indiana
‘Herron Undergraduate Exhibition’, Herron School of Art and Design, Indianapolis, Indiana
‘Lightfall’ Pop-Up Show, Chez Gallery, Chicago, Illinois
‘Dynamo’ Pop-up Show, Circle City Industrial Complex, Indianapolis, Indiana
‘Brickwork’ Pop-Up Show, Indianapolis, Indiana
‘Sight and Sound’ Multimedia Art and Music Performance, Indianapolis, Indiana