Erica Mahinay

Selected Works


Born in 1986, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Erica Mahinay lives and works in Los Angeles. She received her MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, US and her BFA from Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City. With her attention on the senses, Erica Mahinay’s work prompts touch, conjuring visual encounters out of physical experience. Translucency, sheen, and porosity are some of the qualities that demonstrate how Mahinay engages the body’s inherent corporeal intellect. Contemporary neuroscience supports the notion that upon encountering visual art, the intertwining of the senses leads to more expansive bodily sensations. Smooth, permeable, wet, dry, sticky, powdery, seeping and transforming surfaces entwine with one another in compositions that are at times abstract, at times suggestive of subtle figuration on the cusp of legibility. In these borderlands, touch serves as the implicit compass for navigating our human experience in which the sensual is inseparable from the perceptual and conceptual. The artistic practice of Mahinay celebrates the experience of being human — of being a body in space and extending conscious experience through time — by means of her investigation with image, surface, and materiality. Her embrace of imperfection and vulnerability invites the viewer to engage in a compelling ritual of enticement and seduction while she augments and deconstructs the basic mechanics of a painting: its surface and support. Surfaces are folded, puckered and inverted, pressed against support. Mahinay’s work continues the history of artists using their own bodies in acts of rebellion, protest, and celebration to actualize and liberate the self. Her improvised movements, evidenced by the trace, demonstrate a conscious pursuit of an embodied image, a groping and slipping for self-reinvention, and for connection. Resulting irregularities and trace compose a topography of kinesthetic and rhythmic intelligence that evidences intimacy and arrive at a place that is both fragile and fierce.

Gallery Exhibitions

Other Venues

Selected Press

Etichette d'artista, per vestire bottiglie da collezione
Il ritorno al quotidiano. Erica Mahinay e la materia narrante

New Works: Erica Mahinay

Studio Visit

We are excited to unveil a series of new works by Erica Mahinay that exemplify her ongoing investigation into the application of paint through the use of both brushes and hands.




MFA, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, United States


BFA, Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, United States


Italy Study Abroad Program, KCAI/Santa Reparata International School of Art, Florence

Selected solo exhibitions


“Moving From and For” T293, Rome


‘Surfaces’, F&deO, Madrid


‘The Bright Place Idea’, Lyles & King, New York


‘Let the Breath Breathe Itself’, Lyles & King, New York
‘Sun Seekers’, HGA Architecture / Euclid, Los Angeles
‘Contingent’, T293, Rome


‘Visions From the Personal Growth Laboratory’, Lyles & King, New York


‘Softly, Boldly’, Ibid Gallery, Los Angeles


‘Thin Skins, Infinity Pools and Sand Slumps’, Fused Space/Jessica Silverman, San Francisco


‘At the Tip of the Tongue’, Loudhailer, Los Angeles, United States
‘Sunbathing in the Shadow of the Volcano’, T293, Naples

Selected group exhibitions


‘What Dreams May Come’, Make Room, L.A.
‘Signal to noise’, Diane Rosenstein Gallery, L.A.


‘Made in L.A. 2023: Acts of Living’, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles


‘LA Dreams 3 Light Touch’, CFHILL, Stockholm
‘Electric Affinities’, T293 Rome


Zidoun Bossuyt Gallery, Luxembourg
Lyles & King, New York, United States
‘Surfaces’, Nino Mier


‘Imperfect Clocks’, CHART, New York
‘End Demo’, Epoch, an artist-run virtual experiment (online)


‘Touch Knows You Before Language’, Lyles & King, New York
‘The Shape of Content’, OCHI Projects, Los Angeles


‘Metamorphosis, Lightly (Intimacy of Form)’, Oof Books, Los Angeles
‘Dead Eden’, Lyles & King, New York


‘Boys and Girls Can Still Draw’, Nathalie Karg Gallery, New York
‘Roman A Clef And/Or The Appetite Of The Chef (Part 2)’, curated by Mateo Tannatt, Rainbow in Spanish, Los Angeles
‘Miranda’, Anat Ebgi, Los Angeles
‘On my volcano grows the Grass’, Artist Curated Projects, Los Angeles
‘Together / Alone’, EMBASSY, Los Angeles


MEAT RAFFLE: Timo Fahler, Erica Mahinay, Kyle Patrick Roberts, Mary Weatherford, BBQ LA, Los Angeles
Saline Communion / Erica Mahinay & Kathryn O’Halloran, Harmony Murphy Gallery, Los Angeles


‘THE GO BETWEEN. A selection of emerging international artists from the Ernesto Esposito Collection’, Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte, Naples, Italy
‘DTW>>>LAX: Introductions’, CB1 Gallery, Los Angeles


‘First Annual Art Book Fair’, Plug Projects, Kansas City


‘Kansas City Flatfile’, Biennial Invitational Exhibition, H&R Block Artspace, Kansas City
‘Stereotype’, Detroit Opera House, Detroit
‘XOXO Salon Show’, S.B.G Gallery, Kansas City


‘Re-Describe’, Cocoon Gallery, Kansas City
‘Artist in Residence Exhibition’, Pembroke Hill High School, Kansas City
‘Converging Currents’, Forum Gallery + Butter Projects, Bloomfield Hills
‘Failure’, Forum Gallery, Bloomfield Hills


‘Bread & Butter: a Pop-up Shop’, Spool, Kansas City
‘mis-place – re-trace’, Stairway Art Space, Kansas City
‘Kansas City Flatfile’, Biennial Invitational Exhibition, H&R Block Artspace, Kansas City
‘CUMULUS: An Urban Culture Project Residency Focus Exhibition’, Paragraph Gallery, Kansas City


‘Objects for the Space in Between/Space for the Objects in Between’, Syringe Gallery, Kansas City


‘Inscapes and Adaptations’, Crossroads Gallery, Kansas City